How to Be a Woman Who is Winning

On Sundays, I like to sit on the front porch wrapped in a blanket, with a large cup of hot chocolate, and watch the cows mosey around in the field across from my house. (Yes, I live in the country.) It’s during this quiet time that I think about not only my Sunday, or what I’m going to accomplish today, but about what exciting and new things that my upcoming week holds for me. Last night when I was pinning, I found this quote and for some reason, it really hit home for me. It really made me think about the kind of […]

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Blogtober is in Full Swing: Day 5

I had emailed a blogger friend of mine in California and she said that she was participating in “Blogtober”, which I thought was really cool. Basically you blog every day in the month of October, thus “Blogtober.” Then I thought to myself… I’m already doing this so I figured I’d jump on in and see what we can discover about each other! So let me play catch up for just a minute or so… Day 1 – Introduction My name is Vanessa and by day I work as a Registered Medical Assistant to a General Surgeon in a large surgical practice […]

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