4 Bad Habits That Could Be Damaging Your Natural Beauty

Bad Habits Damaging Natural Beauty / www.vanessahwood.com

If you are like most people, it is safe to assume that you care about your appearance and beauty needs. You probably take the time to try out different DIY beauty hacks, products, and tips to look and feel as best as you can. But if you find yourself constantly staring at yourself in the mirror with disappointment, then there may be some things you are doing wrong.

And believe it or not, most of the daily beauty mistakes that people make have little to do with the techniques or products they use and more to do with their daily habits.

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So, are you finding it difficult to reach your beauty goals? If so, then read on and find out if these habits are damaging your natural beauty.

Poor unbalanced diet choices

The things you eat do a lot more to your beauty or appearance than you can imagine. You probably already know by now that consuming too many calories than your body needs will make it pretty challenging to stay in good shape even if you exercise regularly.

Bad Habits Damaging Natural Beauty / www.vanessahwood.com
Photo Source Chatelaine

But did you know that what you eat also affects specific parts of your body? For example, too many carbonated drinks, alcohol, and sour candy can damage your teeth. If you feel your teeth have lost their cosmetic shine, dental solutions like porcelain veneers to restore, your smile may help. You can also opt for an alternative to porcelain veneers if the permanent options are too expensive. 

Too much makeup

There’s no doubt that for most people, makeup enhances their appearance. But applying too much of it can cause your skin some damage. “Too much makeup” here means applying it daily and leaving it on for too long.

Bad Habits Damaging Natural Beauty / www.vanessahwood.com
Photo Source: Total Beauty

No matter how good they are, cosmetic products will clog your skin pores when you use them too much. That makes it difficult for your skin to breathe, leaving you prone to skin problems like bumps, acne, and other facial skin issues. What to do? Take a day or two out each week without makeup and give your natural skin a chance to breathe. Also, don’t leave your makeup on for too long. 

Forgetting to apply enough sunscreen
Bad Habits Damaging Natural Beauty / www.vanessahwood.com
Photo Source: StyleCraze

Not applying enough sunscreen or skipping it entirely can easily be the worst mistake you’re making to your skin. Sunscreen protects the skin’s delicate nature from the harsh UV rays of the sun. Failing to make this simple thing a part of your beauty routine will only expose your skin to various blemishes, including acne and pimples. Take the time to treat your skin to a generous amount of sunscreen before you step out into a sunny day.


You may love the freshness exfoliating brings to your skin, but there is such a thing as over-exfoliating. And this happens when you’re too vigorous with it or do it way too much. Exfoliating will help remove dead skin, but overdoing it could also remove the top layer of your skin. That will damage your skin’s natural barrier and expose it to irritation, bacteria infection, and inflammation. 

Bad Habits Damaging Natural Beauty / www.vanessahwood.com
Photo Source: Byrdie

Are you guilty of these four bad habits? What other bad beauty habits could be damaging your natural beauty? What are some some good beauty habits that you do to get glowing, beautiful skin? Let me hear the good, the bad, and the ugly in the comments section below!

Yours Truly,

{Feature Image Photo Source: Waiting on Martha}

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