A Bad Day Does Not Mean A Bad Life

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I have to believe that a bad day doesn’t have to feel like I have a bad life, but right now it just seems like my husband and I can’t win for losing.

I’ve been worried about my oldest dog – Dakota, a 15-year-old Chi-Pom – who has been sick for the past couple of days. I took him to the vet on Thursday morning, left him there so they could run a battery of tests, and was informed late that afternoon that his bladder has shifted from its normal position in the abdominal cavity up into his pelvic cavity, making it hard for him to urinate or poop. (Sorry to get so personal and yucky blunt with you.)

The bill was $550, and they couldn’t give me a definitive answer as to how this problem will be fixed. My real fear is that the vet will tell me that Dakota has bladder cancer, and the idea of having to make the decision to have him put down is breaking my heart. So I have been wiping his butt, cleaning him up, and diapering him, just like a baby. And the other part that breaks my heart is that I have had to ban him from coming inside the house, so he is basically living and sleeping alone in our breezeway. During the week, our other two dogs stay outside in the breezeway with Dakota, but otherwise, he’s all alone.

So again, I know I don’t have a bad life. I wake up every morning thankful to have another day to try to make a difference in someone’s life. I have food to eat, clothes to wear, a car that works and gets me from Point A to Point B, and I have family and friends that love and support me and my husband.

I don’t have a bad life… I just feel like I’m having a couple of bad days, and that makes me feel bad.

Thanks for letting me vent about my “bad day.”

I hope you have a wonderful day!

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