Take the Stress out of Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday this year, so it got me to thinking. How many couples will get engaged or married on this weekend? Or worse, how many couples will break up prior to what could be considered by most, a stressful day?

I don’t want to be “Debbie Downer”, but Valentine’s Day is a high-stress day for not only women (“will he propose?”, “has he already made dinner reservations?”, “did he at least buy me flowers?”), but for men (“is the diamond too small?”, “should I have made dinner reservations?”, “will she like this stuffed bear I picked up at CVS?”).

For women, it can sometimes make or break a relationship. I don’t think men really care that much, except that it could mean the difference of getting kicked to the curb or scoring a home-run.

Whether you’ve been dating for a short period of time or if you’ve been married for 50 years, I think couples should discuss their expectations for Valentine’s Day. For example, I don’t need dinner or flowers or gifts for Valentine’s Day to know that my husband loves me… a good back and foot rub at home will do me just fine. I know how to cook and flowers die. You may or may not like the gift, so why not save the money and just spend time with each other.

20140209-164610.jpg Photo Credit: www.thedatingdivas.com

In fact, I challenge you to make a card from scratch, rent a movie, and make dinner together. Spend time together… that’s a wonderful gift all by itself!

So now that you’ve made your V-Day card and planned what you’re going to make for dinner, here are some suggestions as to what to watch.

1) The Princess Bride
2) Valentine’s Day
3) The Notebook
4) The Vow
5) Message in a Bottle
6) Titanic
(I could list more, but I think you get the idea. And guys, your women have sat through so many action and slap-stick comedy movies with you that you can sit through one sappy romantic movie with them! It’s just one night… Suck it up, buttercup!)

If you’re like me and your husband drives for a living, then your Valentine’s Day plans will actually take place on Saturday. Therefore, you have more than just a six-hour window and you can spend all day together, from sun up to moon up. In this case, you can make breakfast together and settle in on the couch for a movie marathon. In fact, make it a trilogy.

EmpireOnline.com recommends these trilogies, as well as several others:
1) The Lord of the Rings
2) Austin Powers
3) Pirates of the Caribbean
4) Men in Black
5) Mission Impossible
6) Naked Gun

However you decide to celebrate this Valentine’s Day (whether you spend $10 or $10,000), make sure to tell that special one that you love them!

Have a great day!

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