Find The Beauty Within

Beauty Within /

Coco Chanel knew a thing or two about beauty. During her life, she designed some of the most beautiful clothing. One thing I really love about Coco Chanel is her wonderful words of wisdom, such as this gem below.

Beauty Begins /
Photo Source: Pinterest /

It’s difficult to find the beauty within when you’re scrolling through Instagram and seeing one beautiful person after another wearing fancy clothes, their makeup is practically perfect, their hair falls in just the right tousled wave pattern.

But not everything is as it seems on the gram. I’ve heard people say that IG features people’s highlight reel of their lives. I kind of agree with that. But I also like it when those super polished people “get real” and show their true selves, including their wrinkles, their acne, their “bedhead”, their “not-so-perfect” selves.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

When deciding to be yourself, don’t look at others and try to make yourself fit their mold. Break that mold! Stand in front of a mirror and take a good look at yourself. What do you see? Are you standing there comparing yourself to that girl on Instagram who has all the stylish clothes, or who has the perfect makeup or the perfect hair? Are you comparing yourself to someone you think “has it all”? If so, then STOP!

Also, don’t judge those “beautiful” or “perfect” people {whether their on IG or if you see them in the mall or wherever}. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is really accurate, despite how cliche that may sound. Those “beautiful” people may be the nicest person you’ll ever meet, and they could become some of your closest friends.

Finally, treat others the way you’d like to be treated. You want to be treated with respect, then show some respect. You want to be treated with kindness, then show some kindness. You want to be treated as a friend, then show them some friendliness.

The beauty is within you, and if you show others your inner beauty, then that will shine out of you and make you a beautiful person to others, ultimately attracting others to you. Be YOURSELF… be your BEAUTIFUL SELF. Show others your true beauty!

September is just a couple of days away, so for the 30 days of September, I challenge you to look for the beauty within by deciding to be yourself.

Yours Truly,

{Featured Image borrowed from}

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