How to Use Oils in Your Beauty Routine

I’ve been using coconut oil, argon oil, and grapeseed oil in my beauty routine for years, but these oils have been used in beauty routines for centuries. My husband just recently joined Pinterest and one of the first things he discovered on Pinterest was how oils could help moisturize his itchy beard. He had me run to the store and to Sally’s Beauty Supply to pick up a combination of grapeseed, jojoba, and almond oils. I already had coconut oil (because I cook with it) and Josie Maran’s argon oil (which I picked up on sale from QVC). You can mix […]

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A Few of My Favorite Things: Products I Love!

There are certain things that I like, and then there are other things that I love. Here are some of the skincare and haircare products I love and currently use. I have a fairly low-maintenance skincare and haircare routine, which is a blessing considering the fact that I’m nearing the big four-oh (40)! My skincare routine is simple. I wash my face with Mary Kay facial cleansing cloths. Then I moisturize with either Josie Maran Argan Oil (mornings) or grapeseed oil (at night).   I never wore make-up growing up, except maybe concealer. I did experiment with make-up several times in either high […]

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