Man of Style: John Krasinski

Man of Style John Krasinski /

Anyone who has seen the American version of The Office knows who John Krasinski is, but if you don’t, you might recognize him as the lead character in Amazon’s original series, Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan. And if you don’t recognize him from those two shows, then where have you been? Man of Style John Krasinski has been in countless movies and is married to the lovely Emily Blunt, who was one of my “Women of Style” a few months ago. Razzed by The Rock Recently, Dwayne Johnson razzed John about sending a nude photo of himself working out in Dwayne’s personal […]

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Woman of Style: Emily Blunt

English film and stage actress Emily Blunt may best be known for her break-out role as the snarky co-assistant to Miranda Priestley in The Devil Wears Prada. She has made her mark on Hollywood by bringing a bit of her English sense of style to the Red Carpet. She embraces her sense of style, making her this month’s “Woman of Style.” I am obsessed with Emily Blunt, ever since her role in The Devil Wears Prada. She was great in that role! I have also enjoyed seeing her in more serious roles, like Tom Cruise’s alien-fighting comrade in Edge of Tomorrow […]

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A Few of My Favorite Actors…

“Some people get into this business and they’re so afraid to lose anything. They try to protect their position like clinging to a beachhead. These actors end up making really safe choices. I never wanted to go that route. If I go down, I’m going down swinging.” – Matt Damon For me, actors, specifically male actors, can make or break a movie. If the actor doesn’t connect with his co-stars or the chemistry is off, then the movie kind of feels blah for me. Does this happen to anyone else? But this list of male actors crosses all stages – […]

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