How to Create a Self-Care Routine

Lazy Sundays like today are when I like to treat myself to a “self-care Sunday”. Sundays are usually the days when I try not to have anything planned, that way I can lounge around with the dogs and watch movies, read magazines, or spend some time planning my week ahead. I also take the time to apply a conditioning hair mask while I treat my face to a moisturizing face mask, or I give myself a mani-pedi.

“An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.”
– Unknown

Self-care days are not always about applying moisturizers, hair conditioning treatments, or lounging around in your pajamas all day long. It can also be about sitting on your front porch taking in the scenery while drinking a cup of hot chocolate. It can be about meeting your girlfriends for brunch to catch up with each other. It can be grabbing your friends for a nature hike or for exploring a new area of the city in which you live.

Not quite sure how to establish your own “self-care” routine?

First of all, you need to decide what self-care means to you. Don’t try to copy someone else’s self-care routine because you may not really like what they do. For example, they may take a yoga class, but you don’t like yoga. Or they may go for a hike in the mountains, but you don’t like hiking. Everyone is different, and our self-care routines should be different.

self care sunday NomadSoulzz
Commit yourself to a few hours of “self-care”.  Just take some time for YOU!                   {Photo Source:}

Once you know what self-care means to you, then map out what your ideal self-care day would look like, from start to finish. Don’t put a time frame on your day; just go with the flow. Accomplish the activities on your list and let the day happen organically.

“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary. “
– Mandy Hale

Your “self-care” days don’t always have to be on a Sunday, like mine usually are. You can carve out some self-care time any day of the week! Don’t let a week go by without spending a couple of hours just taking care of yourself. You, too, need to recharge your batteries, so make it a weekly goal or set a weekly reminder on your phone to do something just for you.

Still not sure if you can do it? Then find a friend who will join you on your self-care journey, one who will keep you accountable as you keep her {or him} accountable. By having that accountability, it will ensure that you both are practicing self-care. And don’t forget to track your self-care progress. There are lots of habit tracker apps that you can download onto your phone; or if you’re old school, then track your time in a small pocket calendar or jot down your self-care activities in a journal.

Don’t think you have the time to dedicate a whole day or even a half-day to self-care? Poppycock!

Start out by treating yourself to one hour of self-care, and then the next week, bump it up to two hours of self-care. And don’t feel guilty about treating yourself to a “time out”. You could have nine million things on your plate, but you still make time to go out to dinner with friends or out to the movies with your family.

self care sunday NomadSoulzz
Nomad Soulzz has created a great checklist full of activities you can do to treat yourself to a day of “self-care”.

Now, in this moment, take time for yourself. Treat yourself to a bit of self-care and self-love today!

Do you have a self-care routine? Leave a comment below with some of your tips on how you developed a self-care routine. I’d love to read what you do to treat yourself!

Yours Truly,

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