42 Habits to Make Yourself Better

Some mornings, I wake up and feel like I’m not not living up to my potential, like there is something more that I could be doing to make myself a better person. I’ve read stories from actors or actresses, musicians, and writers who have felt their calling their entire lives. But like most people, I’m still trying to figure it out.

So how can we, or to personalize it, how can I make myself better?

Read a book every day. Wake up early. Acknowledge your flaws. Avoid negative people. Stop watching TV. Show kindness to people around you. These are just a few habits that can may us better.


Image borrowed from LifeHack

These 42 simple habits can help you be a better person. They can make you better for yourself, your friends and family, or your employer or your employees. I really like this list, but there are some of the “habits” that I like better than others. I won’t go into which ones I like better, but here are some that I think deserve a special look.

09. Have a weekly exercise routine.
Exercise not only makes you physically stronger, but it can make you mentally stronger as well. Schedule your exercise like you would a doctor appointment, and make it happen.

10. Start your life handbook.
A life handbook is “your guidebook to live your best life, consisting of everything from your life purpose, to life adages, to long-term goals, to short-term goals, to action plans to realize said goals.”

20. Learn from people who inspire you.
I follow some inspiring female bloggers on Instagram. I enjoy reading about how they used to be stuck in boring, dead-end job, and are now working at a job that they love.

27. Start a blog about personal development.
My blog is more fashion/beauty/lifestyle/travel centric, but it may be worth adding some personal development blog posts into the mix.

32. Start a 30-day challenge.
I started the Blogtober 2016 challenge, to blog every day for the month of October. I have learned a lot about myself and what I want for my blog. I also participate in several month-long healthy living challenges at work. These types of challenges make you accountable to a particular project.

40. Take a break.
Sometimes we need to just take a break. To me, this could mean taking a break from TV, taking a break from social media, taking a break from electronics (unplugging), taking a break from whatever. Taking a break and doing nothing can be just a rewarding as juggling nine million things.

Which habits do you like? Are there any habits that you have that you feel makes you a better person? Which of these 42 habits do you do every day? Leave me a comment below and share your story about what habits make you a better person.

Yours Truly,

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