Do You Have a Case of the Mondays?

At one time or another, everyone has had a case of the Mondays. We hit the snooze button until the very last minute. We trudge to the bathroom, brush our teeth, get dressed, and head off to work with a dark cloud hanging over our heads all because the weekend is over and we have to return to the monotany that is our jobs.

Photo Source: The Berry via Pinterest

Does this sound like you?

My co-workers think I wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and to some extent, I do. But I also have those moments where I’d love to call in “sick” and stay in bed, and do nothing all day long! However, my case of the Mondays would just start a day later and I’d be a day behind, which I don’t like.

So what can we do to get over our case of the Mondays?

Photo Source: Pinterest

Jess Keys, founder of The Golden Girl Blog, has some good tips, including planning a girl’s date on Monday evening and have a breakfast club with your co-workers. Other tips include waking up earlier and actually getting up with your alarm goes off. If you’re like me, you hit the snooze at least once or twice. It’s a bad habit, and it’s a hard habit to break.

One other tip that Jess suggested was to use your crock pot for dinner. Now this will take some pre-planning on your part (i.e. grocery shopping and meal prep), but it will be totally worth it because then you won’t have to slave over a hot stove for 30-60 minutes when you get home from a hard day at work. If you plan your meals, prep everything over the weekend, and package them properly, then you can just dump everything in the crock pot before you head for work and then dinner will be ready when you get home. Then all you have to do is set the table, and voila… dinner is ready!!

Jess also suggested trying something new with your hair. If your hair is like mine – naturally curly and unruly – then trying something new early in the morning is a bit scary. I’ll have to look into this a little more because right now I spend a little more time on my hair care routine than I care to admit.

Levo has some additional tips and tricks that successful people do on Monday mornings.


So what do you do to get up and going on Monday mornings? What tips and tricks work for you? I’d love to hear how you get motivated to get moving in the mornings, so leave your comments below!

Have a great day!

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