Sharing in Guiliana & Bill’s Joy

With nothing much to watch on TV tonight, I decided to watch Giuliana & Bill on The Style Network. Giuliana & Bill is a reality show featuring E! News host, and host of Fashion Police Giuliana Rancic and her husband Bill Rancic, an entrepreneur who won the first season of The Apprentice. The couple, who first met when Giuliana was interviewing Bill for E! News, were married on September 1, 2007. (Source: Wikipedia) I watched the 19th episode of season five, “Meet The Duke!” It’s about the birth of their son, Edward Duke Rancic, who was born on Aug. 29, 2012. They had a surrogate, Delphine, who graciously carried baby […]

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Good Reads: Nikki Heat Series by Richard Castle

I’ve always been an avid reader (or a bookworm, as some would call me), so much so that I’ve been told that I often used books to escape real life. But sometimes the world written about in books was often more warm, safe, and inviting than the real world. My love of reading, and writing, started at a very early age. But nowadays, I rarely get an opportunity to actually crack open an actual book. I do read an actual book when I’m doing cardio at the gym, or I’ll read a book on my Kindle app on my phone […]

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My Week in Pins

I was asked this week, “Are you from here?”, meaning if I was from Tennessee. “No,” I said. “I’m from Texas.” This is my response… always! I only spent about 16 years (from age 6 months to age 16) in the great state of Texas. Then I spent two years in Biloxi, Miss., but I’ve lived in Tennessee the longest. I explain to those who ask, “I grew up just outside of Lubbock, in the small town of Levelland. Then we moved to Biloxi when my dad transferred from Reese AFB to Keesler AFB. Then in 1991, I moved to Cleveland, Tennessee, to […]

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My Week in Pins

In one of my first posts, I blogged about how awesome Pinterest is and how everyone should check it out. It has everything from recipes to fashion, DIY crafts to inspirational quotes, and home decor to humorous pet photos. I may go a few days between “pinning” things to my Pinterest profile, and then I’ll pin three or four hours everyday for a week straight! My husband will see me using my iPad and ask, “Whatcha doin’?” to which I’ll reply, “Pinning!” So I decided to start a new “category” on my blog and call it “My Week in Pins.” […]

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You Learn Something New Every Day!

Yesterday I posted a blog entitled “Roaming the Outer Banks” and I included some photos of my trip. One of those photos was of a “Mermaid’s Purse”, which was identified by someone who read my post. (Thank you, Joy, for identifying this photo!) I’d never heard of this before, so I “googled” it. According to Wikipedia ( An egg case or egg capsule, colloquially known as a mermaid’s purse or devil’s purse, is a casing that surrounds the fertilized eggs of some sharks, skates, and chimaeras. They are among the common objects which are washed up by the sea. They […]

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