4 Reasons to Love the 4th of July

Friends and family get-togethers. Fabulously delicious food. Fan-freaking-tastic fireworks displays. And freedom. These are four really great reasons to love the 4th of July. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, and delared our independence from Great Britian. It marked the day that America wanted freedom.  Photo Source: LessGovMoreFun July 4th is more than just a time for everyone to have a day off from work, for people to get together and drink and party and set off firework. It is a time to celebrate and honor those men and women who have served and who are […]

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All Grown Up

I often watch movies and think of the actors or actresses, “They are the same age as me.” Then I think about other movies I’ve seen them in and realize that the movie I’m thinking of is 20-something years old… And that makes me feel old. I was watching Argo the other night and was really impressed with Ben Affleck. He has matured as an actor and has become a wonderful director/producer. I remember him as the tough Boston kid who played opposite his best friend, Matt Damon, in the award-winning movie Good Will Hunting. It got me to thinking […]

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A Few of My Favorite Actresses…

I sat down at my desk this evening with the plan to compile a list of a few of my favorite actors and actresses; however, as I started jotting down names, the list grew longer by the second! So here’s “Part I” of my list… The Actresses (in no particular order)! 1. My favorite Elizabeth Taylor movie is The Taming of the Shrew, which I saw in junior high school English class after we read the play. Even in black and white, she was gorgeous. 2. Judy Garland’s most famous role is probably that of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. […]

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