Take Me Back to the 80’s (Movies, that is)

What better way to spend time with your friends and family this summer than to watch some classic movies from the 1980s. Most people my age remember some of the classic movies of our generation, especially the ones from the 80s. Those were some classic movies! Of the some 31,000+ movies that were made between 1980 and 1989, here is a short list of some of my favorites. We had the John Hughes movies, such as The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Some of my other favorite movies include The Princess Bride, Dirty […]

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My Week in Pins

I was asked this week, “Are you from here?”, meaning if I was from Tennessee. “No,” I said. “I’m from Texas.” This is my response… always! I only spent about 16 years (from age 6 months to age 16) in the great state of Texas. Then I spent two years in Biloxi, Miss., but I’ve lived in Tennessee the longest. I explain to those who ask, “I grew up just outside of Lubbock, in the small town of Levelland. Then we moved to Biloxi when my dad transferred from Reese AFB to Keesler AFB. Then in 1991, I moved to Cleveland, Tennessee, to […]

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