Be a #BossBabe and Make This a Great Week

Do you ever find yourself sitting in your living room on Saturday evening and the realization hits you that the next day is Sunday? Well, that’s where I found myself last night. I didn’t accomplish ANYTHING on Saturday, unless you count taking two (yes, TWO) naps! So last night I found myself scanning my bullet journal/daily calendar to work on my editorial calendar for my blog. It just feels like ever since I returned from the BlogHer 16 Conference (which was in LA), I haven’t sat down and written any blog posts except for one. The other two or three that […]

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Friday Favorites: Instagram Bloggers

Instagram is my favorite form of social media, simply because pictures are literally worth a thousand words, or in this case, a thousand #hashtags. Some days I can’t wait to open my Instagram feed just to see what people post. Instagram is a treasure trove of beauty, indulgence, food, fashion, love, and life. I follow people, models, magazines, businesses, as well as friends and fmily. I follow fitness, beauty, fashion, and celebrities. I watch as people travel, party, change their hairstyle or haircolor, announce their pregnancy and then the birth, announce new business ventures, celebrate birthdays, anniversaries,  and deaths, and […]

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Reflecting on Lent

“Throw me some beads, mister!” The last day of gluttony, debauchery, wild celebrations, and a last hoo-rah for anyone and everyone preparing for the upcoming Lent season is today – “Fat Tuesday”, for tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. As anyone knows who participates in Lent, Ash Wednesday starts the fasting and religious obligations associated with the season of Lent. This year, Lent begins on Wednesday, Feb. 13th, and go until Saturday, March 30th, with Easter Sunday on March 31st. Being from West Texas, I don’t ever recall being familiar with Mardi Gras or “Carnaval”… that is, until I moved to Biloxi, Miss., and was given […]

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