If I Could Be Friends With Anyone…

I was always a bit of a nerd in school. I was never part of the “cool” crowd and I didn’t get invited to parties. I think the first party I got invited to that I actually attended was on prom night my Senior year in high school. Even in college, you could easily identify the “cool” kids and point out each clique. Me? I was on the newspaper staff for one year, and I was President of Sigma Tau Delta, the National English Honor Society. My senior year in college, I all but vanished from college life. I only […]

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My Week in Pins… Nailed It!

In browsing Pinterest this week, I’ve been seeing some really cool nail polish colors and designs. So this week in pins, I decided to show off several different nail polish colors and styles that I’m really digging. These stylish nail colors can be worn for work and play! On a personal note, I’m currently wearing OPI Pink of Hearts 2012 – “You Glitter Be Good to Me” and “I Think in Pink”. Go to “The PolishAholic” to check out her review of the Pink of Hearts duo. I’m also a fan of OPI “I’m Not Really A Waitress” (red) and […]

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Why Khloe and Kourtney Are My Faves!

I have really tried to pull myself away from watching the mindless dribble that is reality television, but somehow those Kardashians keep pulling me in with their family drama! I just watched the conclusion of the “Kardashian therapy session” and my heart really went out to Rob Kardashian. I think he is a bit left out on the “family business” end of things, but he really does need to take more initiative. He needs some direction and maybe Kris Jenner does tend to the business of the girls more than she does for her son. Rob also needs to take […]

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