11 Things to Do on Sunday to Rock the Week Ahead

Ever have a case of the Mondays on Sunday afternoon? There are days during the week when I feel so unorganized, but when I sit down on Sunday mornings and plan my week ahead, I feel pretty awesome! A lot of us spend our Saturdays going to the mall, shopping, hanging out with friends, working, or attending various events. We stay up late on Friday and Saturday nights, eating late dinners, going to clubs, going to the movies, or just staying up late to catch the latest episode of Saturday Night Live. But Sundays are for relaxing, am I right? On Sundays, […]

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Sunday Inspiration: I Want To Be That Girl

I would like to think that I’m what some would call a #BossBabe… someone who is kind but tough, sweet but sassy, and friendly but not a pushover. What I really am is a people-pleaser who doesn’t know how to say “no” and someone who hates confrontation. But I want to be that kind, tough, sweet, sassy, and friendly girl who can handle anything that comes my way, including the occasional (and often uncomfortable) confrontation. I want to be that girl! I want to be that girl… The one who smiles politely when people look at me, the one who […]

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