If I Could Be Friends With Anyone…

I was always a bit of a nerd in school. I was never part of the “cool” crowd and I didn’t get invited to parties. I think the first party I got invited to that I actually attended was on prom night my Senior year in high school. Even in college, you could easily identify the “cool” kids and point out each clique. Me? I was on the newspaper staff for one year, and I was President of Sigma Tau Delta, the National English Honor Society. My senior year in college, I all but vanished from college life. I only […]

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A Few of My Favorite Actors…

“Some people get into this business and they’re so afraid to lose anything. They try to protect their position like clinging to a beachhead. These actors end up making really safe choices. I never wanted to go that route. If I go down, I’m going down swinging.” – Matt Damon For me, actors, specifically male actors, can make or break a movie. If the actor doesn’t connect with his co-stars or the chemistry is off, then the movie kind of feels blah for me. Does this happen to anyone else? But this list of male actors crosses all stages – […]

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