If I Could Be Friends With Anyone…

I was always a bit of a nerd in school. I was never part of the “cool” crowd and I didn’t get invited to parties. I think the first party I got invited to that I actually attended was on prom night my Senior year in high school. Even in college, you could easily identify the “cool” kids and point out each clique. Me? I was on the newspaper staff for one year, and I was President of Sigma Tau Delta, the National English Honor Society. My senior year in college, I all but vanished from college life. I only […]

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My Week in Pins – Odd Couples

This week in “My Week in Pins”, which is a day late (sorry about that), I decided to showcase some really cute “odd animal couples”. So enjoy! [All pins are taken from Pinterest, but I do name the original source.] These donkeys remind me of the ones that roam my future retirement land in Colorado. Love their cooky smiles! These two friends understand the joys of sharing! You can just see and feel the love between these two beautiful dogs. I love seeing teamwork between these two pandas. Who says dogs and cats can’t get along! My dad has four […]

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