Wanderlust: Popular Thanksgiving Destinations

A couple of years ago, my husband and I left behind the cold weather of East Tennessee and headed west to warmer weather. We spent Thanksgiving in Las Vegas, Nevada. We had a blast walking around the different casinos, seeing the sights, and eating some great food. We stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, and it was fabulous. So what destinations are popular for Thanksgiving? It depends. You can head somewhere cold and snowy, and enjoy some skiing during the day and drink hot cocoa by the fire at nights. Or you can head somewhere warm, leave behind […]

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Wanderlust: One Week… One Beach…

Right now, I’m out on medical leave and part of me wishes I could be back at work. But now, part of me wishes I could be relaxing and recouping on a beach somewhere far away from the confines of East Tennessee. I have one more week before I return to work, and one week would be all I need to enjoy some exotic, far away beach. One week… one beach… Here are just a few of the beach destinations currently on my bucket list… 1. Fiji Check out the Likuliku Lagoon Resort on Malolo Island 2. Maldives I love […]

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