It’s that time of the month again – Magazine Monday!!

“Yea! Magazines!” That was my reaction when I went to the mailbox and was presented with not one, not two, but four magazines! And considering the fact that I’m getting ready to take a road-trip, I find the timing of these magazines in my mailbox fortuitous! Even though I’ll be able to download these magazines on my iPad, I still get excited about getting the physical magazine. I love the glossy covers, the perfume samples and the smell of the ink on the paper! I’m weird, I know, but I’ll always subscribe/purchase and read magazines the old fashioned way! The […]

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A Few of My Favorite Actresses…

I sat down at my desk this evening with the plan to compile a list of a few of my favorite actors and actresses; however, as I started jotting down names, the list grew longer by the second! So here’s “Part I” of my list… The Actresses (in no particular order)! 1. My favorite Elizabeth Taylor movie is The Taming of the Shrew, which I saw in junior high school English class after we read the play. Even in black and white, she was gorgeous. 2. Judy Garland’s most famous role is probably that of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. […]

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