Sunday Inspiration: I Want To Be That Girl

I would like to think that I’m what some would call a #BossBabe… someone who is kind but tough, sweet but sassy, and friendly but not a pushover. What I really am is a people-pleaser who doesn’t know how to say “no” and someone who hates confrontation. But I want to be that kind, tough, sweet, sassy, and friendly girl who can handle anything that comes my way, including the occasional (and often uncomfortable) confrontation. I want to be that girl! I want to be that girl… The one who smiles politely when people look at me, the one who […]

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Sunday Inspiration: Be a #BossBabe

I have recently come to realize that in order to become a more productive #BossBabe, I must do some things first. Make some goals. I like to make lists, that way I can check things off once I complete them. It’s the same way with setting goals. Make some short-term goals and some long-term goals and then work at achieving them. When you meet a goal, celebrate! Buy yourself something or treat yourself to a really nice dinner! Organize your week. Some people organize their clothes for the next day before they go to bed. Some people sit down on […]

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