Experimenting with Watercolors

I recently purchased a small sketch pad and a set of watercolors from Hobby Lobby. Since I’m currently not working (and I’m actively searching for a job), I figured I’d try a new “hobby” so I thought I’d try my hand at painting with watercolors. Eisner Award-winning artist and writer Bill Sienkiewicz said, “To me, that’s one of the things that I love about doing this stuff. One day I can work on this piece in watercolor, and then work on something else on the computer, or work on something else that’s a completely different approach.” Sienkiewicz is best known […]

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DIY Project: T-Shirt Blanket

DIY: Do It Yourself. I always say I’m going to do more DIY craft projects but I never get around to actually doing any. Well technically that’s not true. This past Christmas I made five Christmas wreaths and gave them to different family members and to a couple of friends. That’s a project that I didn’t seem to have a problem starting or finishing! However, the particular project I’m blogging about today is a t-shirt quilt. I started this project last fall but I put all the blanket squares in a bag after I read a how-to article on what is […]

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Paying it Forward in March

Back in January (as part of my New Year’s Resolutions) I decided that each month I will do something for myself and something for someone else. It’s kind of my own “Pay it Forward” experiment for 2012. Well, this month, I really splurged on myself. Not only did I get a mani-pedi, but I purchased a new purse. My husband actually bought me the purse, but it was a big splurge. He/I purchased a Louis Vuitton Estrela MM at the LV store (inside Saks Fifth Ave.) in Columbus, Ohio. I know, I know… that was a BIG purchase, but I have been looking at […]

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A Season of Change

Spring “Marches” in and brings “April” showers, which brings “May” flowers… or something like that! What I mean is that Spring is almost here! A lot has happened in the last month and now I have a lot of time on my hands! All I need to do is figure out what I’m going to do with that time! I guess now I have no excuse not to work on that screenplay for the Sundance Screenwriter’s Lab. So here’s an update… First of all, I am officially without a job, which is okay because with my experience I know I […]

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Lent: A Season of Sacrifice and Soul-Searching

Lent started today, on Ash Wednesday, and officially ends on Holy Thursday (if you’re Catholic) or on the eve of Easter Sunday. Many religions observe this season of reflection, sacrifice, pentance, and fasting. This morning of Ash Wednesday, I’ve been reflecting on what I plan to (1) give up, and (2) take up. I figure if I’m going to give up something “bad” for me that I’ll take up something “good” to replace the bad thing that’s gone. Last year for Lent, I gave up Diet Cokes (although I am totally back on the bottle now) and gossip magazine sites, and I took […]

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