In My Humble Opinion…

When I started this blog, I told myself that there were three topics that I would not discuss — sex, politics, and religion. But funny thing about these three topics… they kind of go hand-in-hand. And since election season is upon us, I thought I’d broach the subject and get my opinion out of my head. [Side Bar: I really hate negative campaign ads and I hate smear campaigns. I think if politicians want to be elected honestly, they should stick to touting their platform and what they plan to do once they get in office. I also think that those […]

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Take Chances, Live Life, Regret Nothing

In working on this past weekend’s post  – “My Week in Pins” – I came across this pin and I found it extremely inspiring and thought-provoking. So I thought I’d pass it along. Maybe it will light a fire under your caboose and encourage you to take chances, life life, and regret nothing! There are 17 short sentences in this quote. 1. Take chances. I feel I take at least one chance a day, if not more. Some days I may not take any chances, but there are other days when I take several chances. I take chances on friendships, […]

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