Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

In watching all the news programs covering the tornadoes that ripped through Oklahoma and Texas, I have really stopped to think about how life is too short. So when I found this sweet and thought-provoking quote, I thought I’d share it. Photo Credit: Pinterest / Photo Source: I am not saying that these tornadoes happened for a reason, but who am I to question why things happen or don’t happen to people’s lives. I’m just going to try my hardest to live life without regrets, take chances, and let changes change my life. As the quote says, “Nobody said […]

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Take Chances, Live Life, Regret Nothing

In working on this past weekend’s post  – “My Week in Pins” – I came across this pin and I found it extremely inspiring and thought-provoking. So I thought I’d pass it along. Maybe it will light a fire under your caboose and encourage you to take chances, life life, and regret nothing! There are 17 short sentences in this quote. 1. Take chances. I feel I take at least one chance a day, if not more. Some days I may not take any chances, but there are other days when I take several chances. I take chances on friendships, […]

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