Dah-ling I Love You but Give Me Park Avenue

“Green Acres is the place for me. Farm livin’ is the life for me. Land spreadin’ out so far and wide. Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside. New York is where I’d rather stay. I get allergic smelling hay. I just adore a penthouse view. Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue. …The chores. …The stores. …Fresh air. …Times Square. You are my wife. Good bye, city life. Green Acres we are there.” Green Acres was a popular show back in the late 1960s-early 1970s. I was born in 1973, but I remember watching this show as […]

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Contemplating a Name Change

I’m contemplating a name change. No, not my actual name, but the name of my blog. When I started blogging in 2012, I was using my blog the try to find my voice, blogging about anything and everything, kind of an eclectic mix of a lot of topics. Now I’m trying to narrow my niche and brand myself. So from “My Life This Year” to “A City Girl in the Country”. Why the name change? Because I really am a city girl in the country. I think like a city girl, I act like a city girl, I (try to) […]

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