My Week in Pins – Autumn

My husband and I went to a VW car show in Sevierville this morning and it was a chilly, overcast day. He was loving the cooler weather while I was dressed in layers! I love seeing the leaves change colors and fall to the earth. I also love the smells of Autumn, like hot apple cider, cinnamon raisin oatmeal cookies, and pumpkin pie. I also love the comfy sweaters, the colorful scarfs, and the stylish boots that accompany this cooler season. October, which is my husband’s favorite month, is a special month for us because my husband and I got married 14 years […]

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My Week in Pins

I was asked this week, “Are you from here?”, meaning if I was from Tennessee. “No,” I said. “I’m from Texas.” This is my response… always! I only spent about 16 years (from age 6 months to age 16) in the great state of Texas. Then I spent two years in Biloxi, Miss., but I’ve lived in Tennessee the longest. I explain to those who ask, “I grew up just outside of Lubbock, in the small town of Levelland. Then we moved to Biloxi when my dad transferred from Reese AFB to Keesler AFB. Then in 1991, I moved to Cleveland, Tennessee, to […]

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Take Chances, Live Life, Regret Nothing

In working on this past weekend’s post  – “My Week in Pins” – I came across this pin and I found it extremely inspiring and thought-provoking. So I thought I’d pass it along. Maybe it will light a fire under your caboose and encourage you to take chances, life life, and regret nothing! There are 17 short sentences in this quote. 1. Take chances. I feel I take at least one chance a day, if not more. Some days I may not take any chances, but there are other days when I take several chances. I take chances on friendships, […]

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My Week in Pins

Ahhh…. Love is in the air! Today, 9/22/2012, is my parent’s 45th anniversary. Last week my friend, Tricia, and her husband, Bryan, celebrated 20 years together. My cousin Nathan and his wife, Laurie, celebrated 15 years together this month as well. So in honor of them and in honor of love in general, I thought I’d give this week in pins a romantical theme. The secret for a good marriage… Here’s a text message that every girl would be thrilled to get… Who knew that the left ring finger was the only finger that has a vein that connects to […]

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