What Memory Would You Keep?

Photo Source: Pinterest I don’t know what memory I would keep. I’ve had so many good memories, but sometimes the bad, painful memories take center stage in my mind. It is difficult at times to push those bad memories to the back of my mind and my heart, but I try. I often find myself thinking of the good memories more and more, especially now as I’m getting older. Time is precious and fleeting. As a kid, I remember feeling that the school year passed by so slowly while the summers passed by so quickly. In my days, school let […]

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Make Memories Just for You

Photo Source: HpLyrikz / Photo Credit: Pinterest It’s been 20 years since I’ve had a true summer vacation. No longer can I sleep in every day, lay out by the pool for hours, or hang out with my friends doing nothing at all. Ah…. Those were the days! There are times now that I wish I could just go back to those carefree days, where there were no cell phones and no wifi or internet, and no constant contact with the outside world… where I could just tell a few people where I would be, how long I would be […]

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