31 Day of Blogtober: The Recap

Green Acres Meets Paris Blogtober 2017 Recap

There were times in the past month that I thought that I could not write another post. I was staying up ’til the wee hours of the morning just to make sure I had a post scheduled for the next day. So in case you may have missed a day here or there, here it is… “31 days of Blogtober: The Recap.” Day 1: Blogtober, Day 1: Welcome to My “Green Acres” — This day’s post was a bit of an introduction of myself. Day 2: Celebrating National Consignment Day — I partnered with The RealReal, a luxury online consignment […]

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Makeup Tips for Girls Who Wear Glasses

Jennifer Aniston in glasses

I have worn glasses for several years, and I only started wearing makeup within the past seven years or so. I was a bit of a tomboy when I was younger, and only played with makeup from time to time. But the dilemma I face now is how to wear eye makeup that doesn’t make me look like I’m hiding two black eyes behind my glasses. When my nieces were younger, I would watch them as they applied their eye makeup, even though they are naturally beautiful and don’t need makeup. They carefully lined their eyes with kohl black eyeliner […]

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