Man of Style: Rob Lowe

Man of Style Rob Lowe /

Rob Lowe spent much of the 1980s as a member of the “Brat Pack”, a group of young, powerful and reckless actors and actresses. He is just as good-looking now as he was back in the 80s, which is why I named him this month’s “Man of Style.” As I said earlier, Rob was one of the nine original members of the 1980s “Brat Pack”, along with Judd Nelson, Demi Moore, Anthony Michael Hall, Sean Penn, Ally Sheedy, Molly Ringwald, Emilio Estevez and Andrew McCarthy. Now at 55, Rob has bounced back from a sex tape scandal, saying that it […]

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Take Chances, Live Life, Regret Nothing

In working on this past weekend’s post  – “My Week in Pins” – I came across this pin and I found it extremely inspiring and thought-provoking. So I thought I’d pass it along. Maybe it will light a fire under your caboose and encourage you to take chances, life life, and regret nothing! There are 17 short sentences in this quote. 1. Take chances. I feel I take at least one chance a day, if not more. Some days I may not take any chances, but there are other days when I take several chances. I take chances on friendships, […]

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