This Year I Will Be Fierce

{ Image borrowed from The Days of the Chic } As the first day of 2017 came to a close, I kicked my feet up at the end of the evening reflecting on all I had accomplished on the first day of the new year. It was a little rainy, but I was thankful for this new day! I wrote a couple of blog posts, washed and dried a couple of loads of laundry, washed the dishes, and organized my husband’s dresser using the KonMari Method. I thought about the last sentence I wrote in yesterday’s blog post — “12 new chapters, 365 new […]

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Ask Yourself: Does This Spark Joy?

On Sunday morning, as I was putting away my laundry, I realized that my dresser drawers were over-stuffed and unorganized. So what did I do? I asked myself: “Does this cluttered mess spark joy?” My answer was a resounding “NO!” So I pulled everything from my drawers and used the KonMari Method to fold and organize my clothes. There are no “before” photos, but here are the “after” photos of three of my dresser drawers. I didn’t go so far as to color coordinate my clothes, but I can see how this method of organizing can help one declutter their […]

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