Queen of Halloween: Heidi Klum

Halloween Queen: Heidi Klum / www.vanessahwood.com

If you asked anyone about who the real Queen of Halloween is and they don’t say, “Heidi Klum, of course!”, then they are living under a rock. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it — Heidi rules Halloween! This year will mark Heidi Klum’s 20th year of hosting her annual Halloween event, and I can’t wait to see what extravagant costume she will be wearing. It’s bound to be another epic year and an even more epic costume from Queen Heidi. Here’s a mini sneak peek into what the Queen of Halloween is going through to make this […]

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Celebrating Labor Day!

Monday is Labor Day, and if you’re like me, then you’re off from work and getting ready to get your grill on! My husband and I are hosting my mom and two of our three nieces. We may have some leftovers for mom to take back to my dad and my gramma Howard, but steak is on the menu and my family loves their steak! Hopefully you have a Labor Day party to go to, but if not, then here are some quick and fabulous ideas for you to put together your own Labor Day celebration! Marinated steak is tops […]

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