Wanderlust Wednesday: Oh The Places I Would Go…

Wanderlust Wednesday Maderia Portugal

“I would gladly live out of a suitcase if it meant I could see the world.” I haven’t done a “Wanderlust Wednesday” post in several months, but that doesn’t mean that I no longer have those moments that I don’t wish that I could just take a year off and travel. I still have “itchy feet,” or what people may call “wanderlust”, or a very strong or irresistible impulse to travel and explore the world. I haven’t been all over the world (yet), but I always say that when I hit the lottery, I’m going to do some serious traveling! […]

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Wanderlust: Ireland, The Emerald Isle

When you think of Ireland, do you think of four leaf clovers, leprechauns, and overflowing pots of gold? My husband’s a dream vacation is for us to go to Ireland. I have researched this lush green Island for several years now. I feel like I have put together several itineraries for him to choose from, but we have yet to make it to the land of his ancestors. I would love to surprise him one year for his birthday, and whisk away to Ireland. In doing my research, I have put together a list of resources, which I will now […]

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