My Week in Pins – Odd Couples

This week in “My Week in Pins”, which is a day late (sorry about that), I decided to showcase some really cute “odd animal couples”. So enjoy! [All pins are taken from Pinterest, but I do name the original source.] These donkeys remind me of the ones that roam my future retirement land in Colorado. Love their cooky smiles! These two friends understand the joys of sharing! You can just see and feel the love between these two beautiful dogs. I love seeing teamwork between these two pandas. Who says dogs and cats can’t get along! My dad has four […]

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My Week in Pins

Ahhh…. Love is in the air! Today, 9/22/2012, is my parent’s 45th anniversary. Last week my friend, Tricia, and her husband, Bryan, celebrated 20 years together. My cousin Nathan and his wife, Laurie, celebrated 15 years together this month as well. So in honor of them and in honor of love in general, I thought I’d give this week in pins a romantical theme. The secret for a good marriage… Here’s a text message that every girl would be thrilled to get… Who knew that the left ring finger was the only finger that has a vein that connects to […]

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