How To Make Your Home A Place You Adore

How To Make Your Home a Place You Adore /

A lot of homeowners spent part of their “stay-at-home” quarantine time improving their home. With the right changes, your home can boost your quality of life. It can even help you reduce levels of stress in your life.

Then there are the financial benefits of improving your home. It’s never too early to start thinking about a future sale. The best choices with your home design will boost up the value of your property too.

So, what type of options fit the bill here?
Personal Touches

The first thing that you are going to need to do is add those personal touches to your home. One of the things that makes people feel like they are at home is when they constantly see reminders of their life.

This could be a number of things such as photos of friends and family, things that have been made for you if you have some artist types around you and so much more. Don’t be shy about putting these things up around your home. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, all that matters is how you feel every time you walk through the space.

You need to make sure that you are putting these up in spaces such as the living room as this is where you are going to spend a lot of time. When life is getting you down, you can look at these and remind yourself of what a good life that you have.  

Think About The Outside

You should always consider the exterior of your home when thinking about improvements that you can make. It’s time to embrace the alfresco lifestyle with some awesome additions to your property.

For instance, you might want to consider building a pool outside your home. You might think that a pool is going to be far beyond your budget for home improvements.

However, that’s just not the case. Indeed, a pool can be quite cheap particularly if you opt for a fiberglass design. This means that you get a mould fully built that can just be slotted into the area that you have excavated.

Alternatively, you might already own a home with a water feature nearby that is on your land. If that’s the case, then you can still make some fantastic improvements.

For instance, you could have a lake on your property or a larger than average sized pond. If that’s the case, then you could add a jet ski lift. With this feature, you’ll be opening your home up to a whole range of new aquatic entertainment possibilities. 

The Right Vibe

If you are looking to create the right kind of vibe in your home, you need to think about what you want it to represent. When people walk through the door, do you want them to be greeted with an impersonal, clean and sterile house, or are you going for something warm and homey? This is an important consideration, but it’s not the one that matters the most.

The vibe of your home is also important for you. You are the one who has to spend everyday in this space, which is why you need to feel at home. If you go around your home and you notice that there are things that bring out any negative emotions within you, then it’s time to get rid of it.

An example of this would be if you have been through a bad breakup, and there are certain things that remind you of them when you don’t want to remember. If you aren’t ready to part with the item completely, then just put it in storage for a little while so that you don’t have to see it everyday, but you also don’t lose it completely.

Create A Luxury Kitchen 

You might also want to think about changing your home by creating a brand new kitchen space. This is one of the most important parts of your homes for sellers. The best kitchen renovation could add more than 25% onto the value of your home!

There are lots of awesome choices to explore here. For instance, you can go smart with your kitchen design. There’s lots of fantastic smart tech for your kitchen like a smart fridge. With a smart fridge you will be able to check what you have in even when you are out and that’s just the start of the kitchen tech available on the market today.

For instance, you can also think about investing in a color changing faucet. This is a purely aesthetic feature and will look absolutely stunning as part of a modern kitchen. 

Alternatively, you could go more practical with your choices here. For instance, you might want to think about investing in a heat induction hob. With a heat induction hob you can save a fortune on your energy bills. These aren’t as expensive as you might think and could look perfect as a part of a new breakfast island. 

The Right Color

Certain colors are connected with particular feelings. For example, when we see the color yellow, the human brain associates this with happiness. If you see a dark blue, then your brain will associate it with calmness and creativity. Think about what kind of thing that you want to be feeling in each individual room and then paint it accordingly. 

I hope that you found some of these tips helpful, and see that there are things that you can do to make your home into a place that you adore. Do whatever you think is necessary to get your home into the right kind of shape, and turn it into a DIY project if you need something to do. Or, you can hire some professionals to help you, depending on how much time {and money} you have available.

I hope that by the time you are finished making your home improvements, you end up with a home that you love.

Yours Truly,

{Featured Image borrowed from House on Longwood Lane.}

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